Vorwerk, Paul D, Whitfield, Alan K, Cowley, Paul D, Paterson, Angus W. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa; . A survey of selected Eastern Cape estuaries with particular reference to the ichthyofauna.
Hits: 7958
Visitors: 5791
Downloads: 335
Cowley, Paul D, Heemstra, Phillip C. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa; . Ichthyofaunal characteristics of a typical temporarily open/closed estuary on the southeast coast of South Africa.
Hits: 10243
Visitors: 7618
Downloads: 228
Childs, Amber-Robyn, Cowley, Paul D, Næsje, T F, Booth, Anthony J, Potts, Warren M, Thorstad, Eva B, Økland, F. Estuarine use by spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii in a South African estuary, as determined by acoustic telemetry. 2010.
Hits: 4820
Visitors: 5121
Downloads: 480
Childs, Amber-Robyn, Cowley, Paul D, Næsje, T F, Booth, Anthony J, Thorstad, Eva B, Økland, F. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science; 2008. Do environmental factors influence the movement of estuarine fish? A case study using acoustic telemetry.
Hits: 2001
Visitors: 2155
Downloads: 191
Maggs, Jade Q, Cowley, Paul D, Porter, S N, Childs, Amber-Robyn. Should I stay or should I go?: Intra-population variability in movement behaviour of wide-ranging and resident coastal fishes. 2019.
Hits: 1724
Visitors: 1828
Downloads: 134
Moxham, Emily Jeanne, Cowley, Paul D, Bennett, Rhett H, von Brandis, Rainer G. Movement and predation: a catch-and-release study on the acoustic tracking of bonefish in the Indian Ocean. 2019.
Hits: 2574
Visitors: 2743
Downloads: 278
Howell, Dylan H, Cowley, Paul D, Childs, Amber-Robyn, Weyl, Olaf L F. Movement behaviour of largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides in a South African impoundment. 2015.
Hits: 618
Visitors: 635
Downloads: 24
Teske, Peter R, Cowley, Paul D, Forget, Fabian R, Beheregaray, Luciano B. Microsatellite markers for the roman, Chrysoblephus laticeps (Teleostei: Sparidae), an overexploited seabream from South Africa. 2009.
Hits: 505
Visitors: 525
Downloads: 24
Ellender, Bruce R, Weyl, Olaf L F, Shanyengange, M K, Cowley, Paul D. Juvenile population dynamics of Oreochromis mossambicus in an intermittently open estuary at the limit of its natural distribution. 2008.
Hits: 430
Visitors: 436
Downloads: 10
Daly, Ryan, Smale, Malcolm J, Cowley, Paul D, Froneman, P William. Residency patterns and migration dynamics of adult bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) on the east coast of southern Africa:. 2014.
Hits: 2912
Visitors: 2968
Downloads: 179
Gouws, Gavin, Kerwath, S E, Potts, Warren M, James, Nicola C, Vine, Niall G, Cowley, Paul D. High genetic diversity and limited spatial structure in an endangered, endemic South African sparid, the red steenbras Petrus rupestris:. 2020.
Hits: 2835
Visitors: 2966
Downloads: 154
Dunlop, Stuart W, Mann, Bruce Q, Cowley, Paul D, Murray, Taryn S, Maggs, Jade Q. Movement patterns of Lichia amia (Teleostei Carangidae) results from a long-term cooperative tagging project in South Africa. 2015.
Hits: 402
Visitors: 415
Downloads: 18
Whitfield, Alan K, Mkare, Thomas K, Teske, Peter R, James, Nicola C, Cowley, Paul D. Life-histories explain the conservation status of two estuary-associated pipefishes. 2017.
Hits: 409
Visitors: 432
Downloads: 25
Sheppard, Jill N, Whitfield, Alan K, Cowley, Paul D, Hill, Jaclyn M. Effects of altered estuarine submerged macrophyte bed cover on the omnivorous Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi. 2012.
Hits: 423
Visitors: 429
Downloads: 13
Weiss, Sven-Erick, Emami-Khoyi, Arsalan, Kaiser, Horst, Cowley, Paul D, James, Nicola C, Jansen van Vuuren, Bettine, Whitfield, Alan K, Teske, Peter R. The last two remaining populations of the critically endangered estuarine pipefish are inbred and not genetically distinct. 2022.
Hits: 910
Visitors: 926
Downloads: 19
Murray, Taryn S, Magoro, Mandla L, Whitfield, Alan K, Cowley, Paul D. Movement behaviour of alien largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides in the estuarine headwater region of the Kowie River, South Africa. 2015.
Hits: 259
Visitors: 276
Downloads: 21
Cowley, Paul D, Whitfield, Alan K, Terörde, Anja I. Birds as major predators of fishes in the East Kleinemonde Estuary. 2017.
Hits: 350
Visitors: 371
Downloads: 26
Bennett, Rhett H, Childs, Amber-Robyn, Cowley, Paul D, Næsje, T F, Thorstad, Eva B, Økland, F. First assessment of estuarine space use and home range of juvenile white steenbras, Lithognathus lithognathus. 2011.
Hits: 358
Visitors: 379
Downloads: 25
Watt-Pringle, Peter A, Cowley, Paul D, Götz, Albrecht. Residency and small-scale movement behaviour of three endemic sparid fishes in their shallow rocky subtidal nursery habitat, South Africa. 2013.
Hits: 364
Visitors: 382
Downloads: 23
Teske, Peter R, Forget, Fabian R G, Cowley, Paul D, von der Heyden, Sophie, Beheregaray, Luciano B. Marine Biology; 2010. Connectivity between marine reserves and exploited areas in the philopatric reef fish Chrysoblephus laticeps (Teleostei: Sparidae).